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Under Construction! Under Construction (Projected finish by July 2021), Current progress: Working on 2016 FAQ (Next Break Formation!) 1 additional FAQ to integrate, 1 tournament rule list to integrate.
Eventually add scenarios such as First Contact Scenario.

Official sources for errata, FAQ and Rulings

Latest Rulebook PDF
Official Star Trek Attack Wing Forum

Official FAQ December 2014
Official FAQ May 2016
Additional rules for tournaments May 2016



1) If an upgrade card requires you to discard or disable it for its effect then it is optional.

Source: Link


1) If an upgrade card requires a token to activate but that token on the ship has been used to activate a different upgrade card then a second token of the type would be needed.

Source: Link and FAQ 2016

2) Captains and ships are not considered upgrades but if they use an effect that requires a token to trigger then that same token may not be used for another effect that requires a token. NOTE: This rule is an overturning of an earlier ruling that Captains and Ships were NOT upgrades and the same token could be used for a Captain effect AND an Upgrade effect.

Source: Link
Older Ruling Source: Link

3) You may spend a token that was used to activate an ability.



1) An admiral replaces a captain immediately if the captain is discarded, the skill change takes effect in the next phase (Planning, Activation, Combat, End).

Source: Link


1) Auxiliary Power Tokens are placed before any "after you move" effects.
2) You can remove multiple Auxiliary Power Tokens through extra movement actions.

Source: Link


1) A disabled Borg Captain has a skill of 1 regardless of remaining Borg Drone Tokens.
2) A disabled Borg Captain with zero drone tokens still has a skill of 1.

Source: Link


1) If an over-sized Borg Cube bumps another over-sized Borg Cube or a Nor Space Station, treat the bump as you would treat two normal sized bases bumping.

Source: Link


1) Cards that require a particular faction captain are not satisfied by an admiral of that faction.

Source: Link


1) Penalties are applied before discounts (such as faction penalty).
2) Cost reducations are applied in whatever order is desired by the player.

Source: Link


1) You may not shuffle or rearrange the damage cards assigned to a ship.

Source: Link


1) Even if you are reduced to zero defense dice you may still modify the roll by adding an evade result with an evade token. Assuming you are in the combat phase.

Source: Link


1) Removing a Disable Token as an action may only be performed once by a ship per round even if granted a free action by another card.

Source: Link


1) Cards that require you to disable all shields require at least one shield. Cards that require you to disable all remaining shields do not require shields to use.

Source: Link


1) Drone Tokens may be spent from a disabled Captain if another upgrade is using them.

Source: Link


1) Elite talents are tied to the card that provided the slot. If the Captain, Admiral or crew member is discarded or moved to another ship the elite talent follows. NOTE: This rule is an overturning of an earlier ruling that the elite talent upgrades were tied to the ship. For informational purposes the older ruling is linked below but is overturned.

Source: Link, but older ruling Link



Source: Link


1) Facedown cards cannot be affected by other cards (i.e. by Jennifer Sisko).

Source: Link


1) Fighters cannot have an assigned Admiral nor any Upgrade that is not a Squadron Upgrade.
2) Fighters cannot benefit from resource cards.
3) Fighters cannot use Fleet Actions.

Source: Link


1) The maneuver template may be off the board so long as the base of the ship, once the manuever is complete, is on the board then the ship has not fled.

Source: Link


1) GPLT can be earned by non-Ferengi captains in some cases.

Source: Link

2) Unclear

Source: Link


1) Any produced minefield token shape may be used for any card requiring one.

Source: Link

2) Mines trigger after the moving ship takes its perform action phase. The order goes ship moves, ship takes action then mines trigger. NOTE: This ruling was made in 2015 and appear to contradict the ruling listed below. The new ruling suggests that the order is actually ship moves, minefield activates and action performed (with an exception for cloaked mines about a special case)

Source: Link and more a recent ruling.

3) A ship that is one a mine token and either bumps, uses full stop or otherwise fails to move off the token retriggers the minefield.

Source: Link

4) A ship in a mine area that moves out in their action (by sensor echo or additional move) still triggers the mine. Further if a ship in a non-mine area moves into a mine area (by sensor echo or additional move) will also trigger the mine. However if you are in a mine area and move (by sensor echo or additional move) and remain in the same minefield area you will not re-trigger the minefield if triggered already that turn by that ship.

Source: Link

5) Tokens may not be spent in defending against a mine attack. However cards which trigger from tokens may be used, including on the offensive when a minetoken is dropped on a ship.

Source: Link and Link


1) Target Locks may only be spent during the combat phase (not outside of it) to reroll dice.
2) Battlestation Tokens may only be spent during the combat phase (not outside of it) to convert dice.
3) Scan tokens reduce defense dice only during the combat phase (not outside of it).
4) Cloak tokens only add 4 defense dice during the combat phase (not outside of it). NOTE: This ruling was made before the new rule book. The new rule book no longer states that a cloak token adds 4 defense dice during the combat phase. It now states that the printed agility is replaced with its printed agility +4. It is likely this ruling is currently in error.

Source: Link


1) Sensor Echo does not count as movement so it neither causes you to roll for damage nor lose your Perform Action Step if you sensor echo over an obstacle.

Source: Link


1) Cards which set values "at" +1, such as hull at +1 are modifiers for the purposes of rule of 3.

Source: Link


1) Sensor Echo does not count as movement so it neither causes you to roll for damage nor lose your Perform Action Step if you sensor echo over an obstacle.

Source: Link


1) Rule #3 from page 22 of the rule book "You cannot equip cards to a shuttlecraft with a cost of more than 3 SP (including face down cards)" refers to discounted cost not printed cost.

Source: Link


Source: Link


1) Slots granted by upgrades do not persist (if the slot is vacated during play, it is gone)

Source: Link

2) A slot granted by a card is only granted during fleet building, stealing a card that adds slots during fleet building do not grant slots when stolen.

Source: Link

3) If an upgrade that provided slots is discarded or disabled the upgrades in those slots remain in play. However you may note trade or re-deploy to fill those upgrade slots.

Source: Link


1) Nor Space Stations cannot gain Evade Tokens, even from cards.
2) Nor Space Stations cannot be a flagship.
3) Nor Space Stations cannot gain agility from game effects, but may gain additional defense dice due to effects.
4) If a Nor station chooses not to move then it can not activate any "after you move" effects.

Source: Link

5) If a Nor-class Station bumps another Nor-class Station or an over-sized Borg cube, treat the bump as you would treat two normal sized bases bumping.

Source: Link

6) A Nor space station cannot move or be moved by any effects other then the manuever dial set by the owning player.

Source: Link

7) A Nor space station may attack once per turn normally (with the main weapon OR through a pylon), not with the main weapon AND each pylon as once stated in an old FAQ.

Source: Link


1) If a spin maneuver bumps either during the movement or the final spin, it completes the spin maneuver but moves back along its forward template until it is not overlapping.

Source: Link


1) Squadrons are not affected by cards that directly target ships.
2) Minefields work normally in regards to placement and affecting squadrons.

Source: Link


Worf (Admiral/Captain): Worf cannot grant a free attack to a squadron.

Source: Link


1) If a card is stolen with an attached resource (Fleet Captain or Officer) then the attached resource is discarded not stolen.

Source: Link


1) Time tokens placed on a captain do not effect any Elite Talents assigned to that captain.

Source: Link

2) While time tokens are on a card, the text is considered blank.
3) You may discard or disable a card with time tokens to activate an effect

Source: Link

Organized Play:



Source: Link and Link and Link and Link



Source: Link



Source: Link



Sources: Link and Link



Source: Link



Source: Link, Link, Link, Link, Link



Source: Link



Source: Link



Source: Link



Source: Link



Source: Link



Source: Link



Source: Link



Source: Link



Source: Link


Verteron Pulse Trap This card is not a "mine" card despite using a minefield. "Mine" cards have "Mine" in the name.

Source: Link



Source: Link



1) After using All Stop you may not activate any "after you move" effects.

Source: Link



Source: Link


ICON U.S.S. Enterprise (Ship): A Command Token may not be used on the U.S.S. Enterprise while it has an Auxiliary Power Token.

Source: Link


1) On defense a battlestation token spent would change the counterattack die into an evade.

Source: Link


1) For the Klingon Flagship, although it adds a cloak action to the action bar if missing, it does not add a sensor echo action.

Source: Link

2) Romulan, Federation and Klingon Flagship's have effects which are optional and thus can only be activated once per round.
3) The Independent Dominion Flagship may grant the extra movement to a friendly ship whether it has already moved or not.
4) The movement granted must exist on the target's movement dial.

Source: Link


ICON U.S.S. Enterprise (Ship): Any action provided by the Flagship Resource may be used by the U.S.S. Enterprise while it has an Auxiliary Power Token

Source: Link

ICON Maxwell Forrest (Admiral/Captain): You may use Captain Maxwell Forrest's action and the Flagship: Independent Federation ability on the same ship in the same round because they are not exact duplicates.

Source: Link

ICON Missile Launchers (Weapon): For the Flagship Independent (Klingon), if your ship is within the range 1 of the flagship and attacking at range 2 with the Missile Launchers then you get the +1 attack die for both attacks.

Source: Link


1) If an Elite Talent is granted to a captain from Fleet Captain and that captain is discarded while no admiral exists to take over the captain slot then the extra Elite Talent is discarded as well.

Source: Link

2) The Fleet Captain's "free" Elite Talent is reduced to zero cost and then modified by faction penalty and other cost modifers
3) The free talent must be equipped to the Captain if chosen, not an Admiral nor a Crew member.

Source: Link

4) When you assign an Independent Fleet Captain, you make your Captain dual faction with Independent and their Original faction.
5) Fleet Captain (Independent Federation) can grant a movement to a ship whether the movement is on the ship's dial or not. For instance letting a galaxy class make a white 1 turn manuever.

Source: Link

6) If your Captain is disabled then so is the text on the Fleet Captain Card.

Source: Link

7) This resource may be assigned to a Mirror Unique captain.

Source: Link

8) If the captain this is assigned to is moved to another ship then the fleet captain card goes with the captain (i.e. Borg Queen taking over on a ship after hers is destroyed).

Source: Link


ICON Pavel Chekov (Crew) Fleet Captain (Independent Federation) can be used on its own ship after performing a red manuever to perform a white manuever and use Chekov's ability to remove the auxiliary power token to able to perform an action this round.

Source: Link

ICON Dorsal Phaser Array (Weapon - Variable SP Cost) Fleet Captain (Independent Romulan) resource's discount does apply to this card.

Source: Link

ICON Gareb (Captain): Fleet Captain cannot be applied to Gareb.

Source: Link
ICON James T. Kirk (Captain) May spend exactly 3 squadron points for the additional talent slot granted by fleet captain, assuming a Federation Talent is chosen.

Source: Link

ICON Shinzon If Shinzon is assigned an Independent Captain card, which provides an additional elite talent slot, he may not hide more cards, nor can Shinzon use his ability for free in lieu of taking a slot. He may use his ability and receive an elite talent slot from the Fleet Captain Resource.

Source: Link


1) If a Captain assigned to your ship is discarded or moved to another ship then immediately discard the Fleet Commander resource and decrease your hull or shields (whichever was selected) by one.
2) The highest skill captain is considered the primary captain and cards with an effect on a captain will effect the primary captain. If there is a tie between captain skills then the player must choose at the beginning of the game which is considered the primary captain.
3) An admiral or any card that may replace the captain may only do so if both captains are discarded or disabled.
4) Borg Drone tokens can only be assigned to your primary captain and your secondary captain my not gain Borg Drone Tokens.
5) Jhamel, Romulan Drone Pilot and Gareb cannot be used with this resouce.

Source: Link


1) This resource only applies to weapons that are "Photon Torpedoes", not other types of torpedos.

Source: Link


ICON Advanced Shields (Tech) If a ship has shields from both Improved Shields and Advanced Shields then when taking damage the player may choose which of these shields get removed in whatever order.

Source: Link


1) The Master Strategist Token may be used as a target lock without specifing a ship in advance. But it may only be used to reroll attack dice.
2) The Master Strategist Token may be used to reroll dice like a target lock even on cloaked ships.
3) You may use a Master Strategist Token as a scan, battlestation or evade token even if you already have one of those tokens beside your ship. This means with a scan token and a Master Strategist Token a defending ship would roll -2 defense dice.
4) If an assigned Master Strategist Token is used as a scan, battlestation, evade or target lock (for a reroll) then it may not be used for a different type of token.


ICON Tactical Officer (Crew): Tactical Officer's ability requires a Target Lock Token to activate, a Master Strategist Token does not count as a target lock for this purpose.

Source: Link


1) If a player uses free actions that are not from the action bar before an action on their bar then those actions stand. However no actions after Mutiny is activated would function.

Source: Link


1) The Science Officer card only allows one scan token to be spent per round.

Source: Link

2) The Science Officer card has two different abilities which can trigger from a scan token, a ship would need two separate scan tokens to use each one.

Source: Link

3) The Science Officer card only "doubles" the defense dice effect of one scan token, so a ship with two scan tokens would subtract a total of 3 defense dice from the target.

Source: Link

4) For the Operations Officer card, if your opponent has rerolled one of your attack dice you may use the Operation Officer's ability still on that die but reroll the affected die only one additional time.

Source: Link


ICON Sopek (Captain): The Officer card is not returned with the crew member if brought back by Sopek.

Source: Link

ICON Haliz (Crew) When Haliz becomes a captain, any officer card attached is discarded.

Source: Link


ICON Gareb (Captain): The discount from Officer Exchange Program would apply to Gareb, remember the minimum cost is zero.

Source: Link


1) If you move a Captain of a faction other then the receiving ship then you still place an auxiliary power token.
2) If you move a Captain that grants a free action to a ship, you may use that free action if elligible.
3) You may use cards that specify a specific type of ship on your reinforcement board, but you may only equip them subsequently to the matching ship.

Source: Link


ICON Dorsal Weapons Array (Weapon): Dorsal Weapons Array costs 6 points if purchased for the sideboard.

Source: Link

ICON Quark (Crew): The sideboard is considered a universal faction so no faction penalty applies to the card under Quark, however all additional costs do. Further is Quark is moved to or from the sideboard his card moves with him if unrevealed.

Source: Link

ICON Jennifer Sisko (Crew) Jennifer Sisko does not activate if placed on the sideboard.

Source: Link

ICON Tahna Los (Captain) If Tahna is moved to or from the Reinforcement Sideboard then the hidden card moves too.

Source: Link



1) Dual faction cards that have a Federation faction still count to use the Bounty's ability.

Source: Link

Card Text:

The U.S.S. Enterprise can perform an Action listed on its Action Bar while it has an Auxiliary Power Token.


1) If actions are added to the action bar by a card then those actions may be performed while the U.S.S. Enterprise has an Auxiliary Power Token.
2) Multiple Auxiliary Power Tokens does not stop the U.S.S. Enterprise from performing an action on its action bar.
3) If a card gives a free action but does not specify that it is being performed from the action bar then it may not be used on the U.S.S. Enterprise while it has an Auxiliary Power Token.


ICON High Energy Sensor Sweep (Tech): You may not use this cards free action while the U.S.S. Enterprise has an Auxiliary Power Token.
ICON Jean-Luc Picard (Captain - Federation Skill 9): Jean-Luc would not be able to use his free action on the U.S.S. Enterprise while it has an Auxiliary Power Token.
ICON Martok (Captain - Skill 8): The U.S.S. Enterprise may receive a free action from Martok while having an Auxiliary Power Token so long as that action comes from the action bar.
ICON Mr. Spock (Captain): Mr. Spock would not be able to use his free action on the U.S.S. Enterprise while it has an Auxiliary Power Token.
ICON Romulan Pilot (Crew): This card may not be used while the U.S.S. Enterprise has an Auxiliary Power Token.
Command Tokens (Resource): A Command Token may not be used on the U.S.S. Enterprise while it has an Auxiliary Power Token.
Flagship (Reource): Any action provided by the Flagship Resource may be used by the U.S.S. Enterprise while it has an Auxiliary Power Token

Source: Link

Card Text:

Action: Instead of making a normal attack with your primary weapon, you may fire in any direction at Range 1-2 with 3 attack dice.


1) Since the Enterprise-D's ability is an attack with the primary weapon it may gain +1 attack dice when firing in range 1.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) If you have a target lock you can use the Enterprise E's power to keep the target lock to reroll dice .

Source: Link


ICON Antimatter Mines (Weapon): When Anti-Matter mines are placed on the U.S.S. Defiant then it is considered defending, so may use its ability even if it rolls no defense dice.

Source: FAQ 2016

ICON Toreth (Captain): Since Defender modifies dice before attacker then if Toreth is used after the U.S.S. Defiant converts all criticals to hits then a single hit will conver to a critical.

Source: Link


ICON Cheat Death (Elite Talent): The U.S.S. Grissom's effect may take place before Cheat Death.

Source: Link


1) The Hathaway's ability does not have to literally be the second action, it may be the third or later instead.

Source: Link


ICON Systems Upgrade (Question): Although Systems Upgrade can fill a tech slot, it does not become a tech card so it does not get the discount from the U.S.S. Pegasus.

Source: Link


1) If a card causes Voyager's manuever from its dial to be green instead of the shown color then its ability is still triggered.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) Since the U.S.S. Voyager's ability is an attack with the primary weapon it may gain +1 attack dice when firing in range 1.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) If the Captain card is a Specialization Card and is flipped by Pike then Pike becomes the Captain. As per the rules of Specilization cards, Pike cannot later replace himself with the old Captain.

Source: Link


1) The ship using Admiral Forrest's ability does not need to have the manuever on their dial.
2) Admiral Forrest's manuever is considered a white manuever.
3) Admiral Forrest's manuever is not considered revealed and does not work with cards that require you to reveal a specific manuever.

Source: Link


Flagship: Independent Federation (Resource): You may use Admiral Maxwell Forrest's action and the Flagship's ability on the same ship in the same round because they are not exact duplicates.

Source: Link

Card Text:

Any Federation Elite Talent Upgrades you purchase for Kirk costs exactly 3 Squadron Points and are placed face down beside his card. Each Upgrade remains face down until you decide to use it, and then it is turned face up for the rest of the game.


Fleet Captain (Resource) James T. Kirk may use the additional talent slot provided to buy another Federation Upgrade for exactly 3 face down.

Source: Link

Card Text:

ACTION: Place a Battlestation Token beside your ship. When attacking this round, during the Modify Attack Dice Step, you may spend this Token to re-roll up to 2 of your attack dice OR when defending this round, during the Modify Defence Dice step, you may spend this Token to re-roll up to 2 of your defense dice. You may still perform the Battlestation Action as a Free Action this round if possible.


1) The placed token counts as a token for trigging cards.
2) Cards that prevent spending battlestation tokens will still work on Kirk's placed token too.
3) The 2nd portion of Kirk's text does NOT mean you may get a free action of a battlestation from the action bar.

Source: Link


1) If Picard's ship is effected by a damaged sensor array critical damage card then Picard may still perform his free action as it does not originate from the Action Bar.

Source: Link


1) The ship using Admiral Forrest's ability does not need to have the manuever on their dial.
2) Admiral Forrest's manuever is considered a white manuever.
3) Admiral Forrest's manuever is not considered revealed and does not work with cards that require you to reveal a specific manuever.

Source: Link


Flagship: Independent Federation (Resource): You may use Captain Maxwell Forrest's action and the Flagship's ability on the same ship in the same round because they are not exact duplicates.

Source: Link


1) Spock's free action does not need to be on the Action bar of the ship he is assigned to to use it.

Source: FAQ 2016

Card Text:

Action: If you are attacked this round at Range 1, Roll 2 attack dice. Any hit or critical result damages the attacking ship as normal, even if your ship is destroyed by their attack. The attacking ship does not roll any defense dice.


1) Riker's ability may only be triggered once per round.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) If no Warp Core Breach cards are left in the damage deck then reshuffle the deck and draw the first damage card face up and put it on the damaged ship.

Source: Link


1) In situations where your ship is destroyed instantly (Warp Core Breach or Suicide Attack) then add damage to your ship until it equals hull minus one. When Cheat Death is used you will end being one hull away from being destroyed with all face down damage cards.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON U.S.S. Grissom (Ship): The U.S.S. Grissom's effect may take place before Cheat Death.

Source: Link


ICON Secondary Torpedo Launcher (Weapon): This cannot be used with Dispersal Pattern Sierra (DPS) because it is not a photon torpedo upgrade. It may be used after DPS to attack one of the targets hit by DPS.

Source: Link


ICON Fire All Weapons (Weapon) If Fire at Will is used and the secondary weapon is Fire All Weapons then all three attacks will be at -1, also you may target the same ship for the primary weapon attack portion with both cards.

Source: Link


1) The player using this card chooses to do so after they are declared a target but before the weapon is chosen by the attacker.

Source: Link


1) The attack at the end of the activation phase is outside of the combat phase so battlestations and evade tokens cannot be spent in defending. NOTE: The ruling listed is actually for the "Self-Destruct Sequence" card for the borg faction, but the text effect for the federation version is very similar.

Source: Link


1) The cost paid for the card at setup must be 3 or higher, a card that was discounted on setup below 3 would not qualify.

Source: Link


ICON Geordi LaForge (Crew - 3 SP cost) may be used with Arex. Arex replaces the dial then Geordi modifies it.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

WHEN DEFENDING: During the Modify Attack Dice Step, you may discard this card to force the attacking ship to re-roll all its attack dice.

Original Text:

During the Modify Attack Dice step of the Combat Phase, you may discard this card to force an enemy ship to re-roll its entire attack roll.

Source: Link

Card Text:

ACTIVATION PHASE: After this ship reveals its Maneuver, place 2 time tokens on this card. This ship may increase or decrease the speed of the revealed Maneuver by 2. The color of the Maneuver (Red, White, Green) is the same as the revealed Maneuver. This ship cannot perform an Action the game round this effect is activated.


1) The ship does NOT have to have the new maneuver on its dial but the maneuver template must exist.

Source: Link


ICON Arex (Crew) may be used with Geordi (3 SP cost). Arex replaces the dial then Geordi modifies it.

Source: Link

Card Text:

ACTION: Add 2 Agility for the rest of this round. Each time you defend you may convert 1 Battlestation result into an Evade result.


1) The +2 to Agility is a modifier and is subject to the rule of 3.

Source: Link


1) You must have a target lock on the target ship to use Karen Ferris' ability.

Source: Link


1) If Marla uses a tech action that normally discards the tech then Marla is discarded by copying the action, however the tech card itself is disabled as per Marla's text.

Source: Link


ICON Ablative Generator (Tech) If Marla is used on Ablative Generator, her ship may gain an Ablative Generator Token but no damage could be absorbed as Marla's ship would not have the Abalative Generator Card to stack damage under.

Source: FAQ 2016, Note: Marla is mispelled as Maria in the FAQ.

Card Text:

Action: Disable 2 of your Shields in order to gain +2 attack dice this round. -OR- Repair 1 Shield Token and reduce your total attack dice by 2 this round. OR Repair 1 Shield Token and reduce your total attack dice by 2 this round.


1) Scotty has one action with two possible effects. You may not activate Scotty twice in the same round, even to use the other effect.
2) Scotty's two die are for the entire round, they may add to one attack or be split among two.

Source: Link


ICON Disruptor Bombardment (Tech) has a maximum effect range of 3 so Uhura has no effect on this card.

Source: Link


ICON Inertial Compensators (Tech) Pavel Chekov (removing auxiliary tokens on a white maneuver) happens on step 3 (execute maneuver) so the auxiliary power token from Inertial Compensators will be removed.

Source: Link

Fleet Captain (Independent Federation) (Resource) Fleet Captain (Independent Federation) can be used on its own ship after performing a red manuever to perform a white manuever and use Chekov's ability to remove the auxiliary power token to able to perform an action this round.

Source: Link


1) Phlox must finish the text enabling other upgrades before another card may be disabled to prevent Phlox from being disabled.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Li Nalas (Crew) If Li Nalas is used to prevent Phlox from being disabled, Plox still finishes his text effect first. So in the end Li Nalas would still have a disabled token but Phlox would not.

Source: Link


1) If your ship has only 1 damage and you roll 2 or 3 evade results you would only be repairing 1 damage so you neither take an Auxiliary Power Token nor discard Barclay.

Source: Link


1) When an adaptation token is placed on a Tech it is considered equipped to Seven's ship and must be legal to equip to her ship.

Source: Link

2) Each player may only have 1 adaptation token from Seven of Nine.
3) If Seven of Nine is stolen then the player stealing her may use her adaptated technology (specifically the ruling only specifies if borg steal her, but that was when only borg could steal crew).


ICON Ablative Generator (Tech) Seven of Nine may use her ability against Ablative Generator (and may do so multiple times). Any damage cards nullified with Seven are placed under the Ablative Generator Reference Card for ease of play. NOTE: This interaction seems to contradict the ruling with Marla Gilmore but they come from the same document so... I don't know.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Interphase Generator (Tech) Interphase generator does not cancel dice, it cancels the attack. Sirna cannot be used with the cancelled attack.

Source: Link

Spock (Crew - 5 SP cost)


1) Spock's ability may be used for multiple attacks but require a separate scan token per use.

Source: Link


1) Even if Riker could be undisabled after being used, he may only be used once per round.

Source: Link


1) A ship that does not have the Abalative Generator Card at the end of the turn discards the Ablative Generator Token
2) If the Abalative Generator Card is redeployed, it keeps any damage cards underneath.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Marla Gilmore (Crew) If Marla is used on Ablative Generator, her ship may gain an Ablative Generator Token but no damage could be absorbed as Marla's ship would not have the Abalative Generator Card to stack damage under.

Source: FAQ 2016, Note: Marla is mispelled as Maria in the FAQ.

ICON Seven of Nine (Crew - 5 SP cost) Seven of Nine may use her ability against Ablative Generator (and may do so multiple times). Any damage cards nullified with Seven are placed under the Ablative Generator Reference Card for ease of play. NOTE: This interaction seems to contradict the ruling with Marla Gilmore but they come from the same document so... I don't know.

Source: FAQ 2016


Improved Shields (Resource) If a ship has shields from both Improved Shields and Advanced Shields then when taking damage the player may choose which of these shields get removed in whatever order.

Source: Link


1) The decision to use this card must take place before defense dice are modified (rerolled or converted).
2) This card may only be used once per round per ship.

Source: Link and Link


1) If you flee the battlefield (your ship is outside the play area) then you may not activate this card.

Source: Link


1) If you flee the battlefield (your ship is outside the play area) then you may not activate this card.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

ACTION: Disable this card and target a Captain equipped to a friendly ship. This ship performs the Action listed on the target Captain as a Free Action. Also, errata added "Unique" Icon.

Original Text:

During the Activation Phase, you may disable this card to target a friendly ship within Range 1-2. If you do so, you may perform the Action listed on that ship's Captain Card. No ship may be equipped with more than one "Holo-Communicator" Upgrade.

Source: Link


1) The ship using Holo-Communicator is the ship that is performing the action.
2) The Captain whose ability was copied may still perform their action on their own ship in the same round.

Source: Link


1) The order for this cards use if used when resolving a minefield is: (a) Minefield owning rolls attack dice, (b) This card is disabled (if desired) to reduce by 1 hit and roll defense dice.
2) If the ship with navigational deflector is cloaked it does not get the +4 defense dice from cloak unless it is the combat round. NOTE: This ruling (#2) was before cloaking was changed to add to printed agility and no longer applies.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) When using this card to perform a red manuever while you have an Auxiliary Power Token you still gain another Auxiliary Power Token for performing the new red manuever.

Source: Link and FAQ 2016


1) The bonus from either ability can only be applied once in a round. So if used for the +1 attack dice then that would apply for a single attack only, if using the +2 attack die then those may either go with the same attack or be split among two.

Source: Link


1) The straight six manuever retains the color of the 4 or 5 straight manuever that was on the dial.

Source: Link


ICON In'Cha (Elite Talent) In'Cha cannot trigger transwarp drive.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) You cannot increase or decrease to make a maneuver for which there is no template. Nor may you reduce a speed 1 maneuver to execute a full stop.

Source: Link

Please read the "Mines" in the general section for more information.


ICON U.S.S. Defiant (Ship): When Anti-Matter mines are placed on the U.S.S. Defiant then it is considered defending, so may use its ability even if it rolls no defense dice.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) There are no range bonuses when using this weapon, it is a secondary weapon.

Source: Link

2) If this weapon is stolen, it uses the stats from the ship that stole it, it does not retain it's original attack rating. But if the new ship is not a Federation ship with hull of 4 or greater then it is discarded.

Source: Link and FAQ 2016

3) You may equip this to a ship that has less than 4 hull if it gains hull from an effect (i.e. Flagship) before setup.

FAQ 2016


Reinforcement Sideboard: This card costs 6 points if purchased for the sideboard.

Source: Link
ICON Thot Gor (Captain): Thot's discount does apply to Dorsal Phaser Array.
Fleet Captain: Independent Romulan (Resource): This fleet captain resource discount applys to Dorsal Phaser Array.
ICON Sakonna: Sakonna's discount can not apply to Dorsal Phaser Array since it does not have a definite cost.

Source: Link


1) This attack does get range bonuses but otherwise is considered a secondary weapon.

Source: Link


1) You may not perform any free actions before or after you play use this action, nor may you gain free actions from other sources (i.e. Martok).
2) You may not have more than one Multi-Vector Assault Mode Token beside your ship.

Source: Link


1) You may not trigger a second version of this card off of the same torpedo attack, this card specifies it allows a "second" attack not an additional attack.

Source: Link


ICON Dispersal Pattern Sierra (Elite Talent): This cannot be used with Dispersal Pattern Sierra (DPS) because it is not a photon torpedo upgrade. It may be used after DPS to attack one of the targets hit by DPS.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

Add 1 Weapon upgrade slot to your Upgrade bar. WHEN ATTACKING: Disable this card. This ship rolls +1 attack die this game round. WHEN ATTACKING: Discard this card. This ship rolls +2 attack dice this game round.

Original Text:

Add 1 Weapon upgrade slot to your Upgrade bar. When attacking you may disable this card to gain +1 attack die until the End Phase. OR When attacking, you may discard this card to gain +2 attack dice until the End Phase.


1) There were two printings of this card. The old Stargazer version and the new starter set (2017). The newer card has the errata text printed on it.
2) All versions of this card are assumed to be unique (per ship).

Source: Link

New Errata text:

You may fill a crew, tech, or weapon Upgrade slot with this card. No ship may be equipped with more than 1 "Automated Distress Beacon" Upgrade. ACTION: Discard this card to target a ship in your fleet that is not within Range 1-3 of your ship. The target ship immediately performs an additional maneuver with a speed of 2 (straight, bank or turn).

Original Text:

You may fill a crew, tech, or weapon Upgrade slot with this card. No ship may be equipped with more than 1 "Automated Distress Beacon" Upgrade. ACTION: Discard this card to target a ship that is not within Range 1-3 of your ship. The target ship immediately performs an additional maneuver with a speed of 2 (straight, bank or turn).

Source: Link


1) This may not fill a squadron upgrade slot.
2) If this card is discarded or disabled then your maximum shields goes down by one, you must adjust your current shields down if higher then your new maximum shields.

Source: Link

3) This is a modifier and subject to the rule of 3.

Source: Link


ICON U.S.S. Pegasus (Ship): Although Systems Upgrade can fill a tech slot, it does not become a tech card so it does not get the discount from the U.S.S. Pegasus.

Source: Link


1) Squad Leader cannot use a non-action ability of a friendly Captain, only Actions.

Source: Link



ICON Emergency Power (Tech) If Emergency Power is used to activate Gowron's fleet action it would provide the battlestations but not the additional action because emergency power allows one action only.

Source: Link


1) If this card is assigned to your fleet then you may not assign either Lursa or B'Etor to any ship in your fleet.

Source: Link


ICON Synon (Crew): Synon does not grant Chang's ability the option to use a 2 or 3 manuever. Chang may only use the forward 1 manuever to sensor echo.

Source: Link


1) To activate his ability requires that the target ship be in range 1-2 prior to it moving only.

Source: Link

2) This card is unique.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

ACTION: If this ship is not cloaked, target all enemy ships (Range 1-3). All target ships must attack this ship this round, if possible. When defending against each of these attacks, roll +2 defense dice.

Card Text:

ACTION: If your ship is not cloaked, all enemy ships at Range 1-3 must attack your ship this round, if possible. When defending against each of these attacks, roll +2 defense dice.


1) If a ship has the ability to attack activated Kor it must, it may not forgo its attack.

Source: Link

2) If a ship cannot attack Kor, it may attack another target.
3) If Kor's ship cloaks after being activated then other ships are not required to attack Kor's ship.
3) A ship may use an attack that attacks multiple targets so long as one of them is Kor.
4) If Kor is activated but then subsequently discarded, his effect is still in play until the end of the round.


ICON Taris (Captain) must discard a crew member to activate her ability if this ship cannot attack another way and this will allow her to attack Kor. Note: In the source Toreth was incorrectly mentioned with Taris' text.

Source: Link


1) If this card is assigned to your fleet then you may not assign either Lursa or B'Etor to any ship in your fleet.

Source: Link


ICON U.S.S. Enterprise (Ship): The U.S.S. Enterprise may receive a free action from Martok while having an Auxiliary Power Token so long as that action comes from the action bar.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

SETUP: Place 3 Klingon Elite Talent Upgrades face down beneath this card. ACTIVATION PHASE: Discard this card. Flip 1 of the Klingon Elite Talent upgrades beneath this card face up and equip it to the Captain equipped to this ship even if it exceeds this ship's restrictions. Remove the other 2 face down Klingon Elite Talent upgrades from the game.

Original Text:

SETUP: Place 3 Klingon Elite Talent Upgrades face down beneath this card. ACTIVATION PHASE: Discard this card. Flip 1 of the Klingon Elite Talent upgrades beneath this card face up and equip it to the Captain equipped to this ship. Remove the other 2 face down Klingon Elite Talent upgrades from the game.

Source: Link


1) The additional maneuver must exist on the ship's dial.

Source: Link


ICON Transwarp Drive (Tech) In'Cha cannot trigger transwarp drive.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Koss (Crew): Koss can be used (disabled then discarded) to prevent the other upgrades from being disabled or at players discretion not be used (but still disabled with the rest). An admiral is not considered an upgrade.

Source: Link


1) This card allows a free attack but you must fulfill the requirements of that attack including spending target lock tokens when appropriate.

Source: Link


1) The sensor echo portion of the card is optional and may not be used if the same ship has already performed a sensor echo before activating.

Source: Link


1) Drex's ability, if activated, applies to each attack made by the ship.

Source: Link and Link


1) Kulge's effect persists even after Kulge is discarded.
2) If another card has a replacement value for Captain Skill then all replacement value effects can be applied in any order.

Source: Link


1) N'Garen's ability, if activated, applies to each attack made by the ship. NOTE:This was never officially ruled, but follows from the ruling on Drex

Source: Link and Link


ICON Alpha Hunter (Ship): Synon does not grant the Alpha Hunter's ability the option to use a 2 or 3 manuever. The Alpha Hunter may only use the forward 1 manuever to sensor echo.

Source: Link

ICON Chang (Captain): Synon does not grant Chang's ability the option to use a 2 or 3 manuever. Chang may only use the forward 1 manuever to sensor echo.

Source: Link

Please read the "Mines" in the general section for more information.


1) Ships moving within range that already have an auxiliary power token activate the mines before they have a chance to remove the token (through green maneuver or Chekov) and cannot forgo their action for a scan action.
2) Ships moving into range that execute a red maneuver MAY forgo their action for a scan action before they are assigned an auxiliary power token.

Source: Link

3) See Romulan Cloaked mines, the rulings from this source were specifically asked about those mines, but likely apply to these as well.

Source: Link


1) Secondary weapons that use the primary weapon value have their attack recalculated each time they are fired.
2) Cards legality are determined when equipped so this card cannot cause certain weapon cards to be discarded.

Source: Link

3) You may not add attack dice to your primary weapon when you attack when under the effect of Dispersive Armor.

Source: Link


1) The cost of both upgrades must have a total SP cost of 5 or less including faction penalties and additional costs.
2) Cards placed under Cryogenic Stasis do not have active text.


ICON Quark (Crew) If Quark is placed under Cryogenic Stasis then he could not also have a card placed under him (see clarification #2).
ICON William T. Riker (Crew): If placed under Cryogenic Stasis then William T. Riker does not provide a crew slot (see clarification #2)

Source: Link


1) When used to activate a card that gives additional optional actions, only the first portion takes effect as you only get one action from emergency power.


ICON Gowron (Admiral) would provide the battlestations but not the additional action when emergency power activates him.

Source: Link


1) If used against a cloaked ship the only effect on that ship would be that it cannot attack. The cloaked ships shields are already disabled.

Source: Link


ICON Torpedo Fusillade (Weapon) If you used this and then fire with Torpedo Fusillade then the -2 attack dice applies to only your first attack.

Source: Link


1) A B'rel or K'vort class ship is not considered a bird-of-prey class. The ship must be Klingon and be bird-of-prey class to use this upgrade.

Source: Link


1) The assisting ship adds its full primary weapon without addtions or penalties. NOTE: This ruling was made before the rule of 3, presumably the rule of 3 still applies.

Source: Link


1) Concussive Charges can remove many types of tokens such as Auxiliary Power Tokens, Energy Dampening Tokens and Muon Tokens.
2) You must remove tokens with uncancelled hits and criticals until you cannot do so anymore, it is not a choice.

Source: Link

3) Concussive charges does damage in addition to removing tokens.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Kolos (Captain) can only intercept one of the attacks.

Source: Link

Projected Stasis Field (Tech) If you used this and then fire with Torpedo Fusillade then the -2 attack dice applies to only your first attack.

Source: Link



1) You must have a legal target to attack to use the I.R.W. Algeron's ability.
2) You may not switch targets after moving.
3) If you can no longer attack your original target after moving then you must forgo your attack.

Source: Link


1) You may place an admiral on this ship.
2) An admiral assigned to this ship cannot alter the captain skill of the ship.
3) If the captain is discarded or disabled, the admiral would flip to their captain side and then immediately be discarded as they cannot be equipped.
4) You may use Prototype 01's ability to repair a critical damage to the hull.

Source: Link


1) You may place an admiral on this ship. NOTE:This was never officially ruled, but follows from the ruling on Prototype 01
2) An admiral assigned to this ship cannot alter the captain skill of the ship. NOTE:This was never officially ruled, but follows from the ruling on Prototype 01
3) If the captain is discarded or disabled, the admiral would flip to their captain side and then immediately be discarded as they cannot be equipped. NOTE:This was never officially ruled, but follows from the ruling on Prototype 01

Source: Link


1) This ship's ability only provides +1 attack die no matter how many green maneuvers it performs in a round.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) When placing the cloak token all the normal rules about cloaking apply, you must have and disable shields and you may be target locked on the turn you cloak.

Source: Link


1) If a unique card is placed under Gareb then you may not play another card of that name in your fleet.
2) The text of the captain under Gareb cannot be used.
3) You must pay a faction penalty if you place a non-Romulan under Gareb.


Fleet Captain (Resource): Gareb cannot be affected by any card that affects captain cards so this resource cannot be used on Gareb.
Officer Exchange Program (Resource): The discount from Officer Exchange Program would apply to Gareb, remember the minimum cost is zero.
ICON Borg Alliance (Elite Talent): Gareb cannot gain drone tokens from Borg Alliance.

Source: Link


1) When placing the cloak token all the normal rules about cloaking apply, you must have and disable shields and you may be target locked on the turn you cloak.

Source: Link


1) Mirok may repair critical hull damage before normal hull damage if desired.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Kor (Captain) can force Taris to discard a crew member to activate her ability if this ship cannot attack another way and this will allow her to attack Kor. Note: In the source Toreth was incorrectly mentioned with Taris' text.

Source: Link


ICON U.S.S. Defiant (Ship): Since Defender modifies dice before attacker then if Toreth is used after the U.S.S. Defiant converts all criticals to hits then a single hit will conver to a critical.

Source: Link


1) Salatrel's card text takes place after modifications, so if Salatrel's skill is being added and then the text is triggered, the result is replaced with 10. NOTE: This ruling was made before the rules clarifications about replacements vs. modifiers. It is possible this ruling is currently in error.
2) A ship is only considered in the firing arc if it is within range 3.
3) A friendly ship can trigger Salatrel's text.

Source: Link


1) When using Shinzon's ability you may take any Romulan elite talents regardless of SP cost.
2) 2) Shinzon may not take an elite talent that is unique if already equipped to the fleet, even though his are facedown.
3) If Shinzon is disabled then his card text is blank and hidden elite talents cannot be used, if Shinzon is discarded so are any facedown cards.


Fleet Captain: If assigned an Independent Captain card, which provides an additional elite talent slot, Shinzon may not hide more cards, nor can Shinzon use his ability for free in lieu of taking a slot. He may use his ability and receive an elite talent slot from the Fleet Captain Resource.

Source: Link


1) Valdore always gets hit +1 attack against a ship with only a 360 degree arc. If Valdore is the captain of a ship with only a 360 degree arc then he never gets his +1 attack.

Source: Link


1) When applying damage, normal damage is applied first, then any bonus hits from uncancelled criticals to the shields and then finally the critical damage itself.
2) If a ship has no shields before or after applying the normal damage then this talent would not have an effect.

Source: Link

3) If any additional normal damage from the elite talent has not yet been applied and the target has all shields destroyed or inactive then skip the remaining normal damage and start applying any critical damage from the original attack to the hull.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) The captain that gains drone tokens still uses it's printed skill value for it's Captain's skill
2) You pay a faction penalty putting Borg Alliance on a non-Romulan ship. Further if you fill the Borg Upgrade slot on a ship that is non-borg then you pay a faction penalty for that upgrade.
3) Borg Alliance may not be played on any dual faction ship for which Borg is one of the two factions.
4) If Borg Alliance is disabled you may still use the drone tokens.

Source: Link


ICON Gareb (Captain): Gareb cannot gain drone tokens from Borg Alliance.

Source: Link


1) When discarding your token you do not have the option to raise your shields until the end phase.

Source: Link


1) This attack takes the place of your normal attack.

Source: Link


1) Counter Attack will only trigger once per round, although a player may choose not to use it when they take damage to give them the chance to use it later the same round.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Kraxon (Ship): If the Kraxon uses its ability to take damage then it may trigger counter attack. If it only takes part of the damage then both the Kraxon and the other ship taking damage may separately trigger their own counter attacks.

FAQ 2016


1) After using Full Stop you may not activate any "after you move" effects.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

During the Activation Phase, you may discard this card to disregard your chosen maneuver and exectue a Full Astern Maneuver with a speed 1 or 2.

Original Text:

During the Activation Phase, you may disregard your chosen maneuver and execute a Full Astern Maneuver with a speed of 1 or 2 instead.

Source: Link


1) The defender may not roll defense dice but may still use "When Defending" effects.

Source: Link


1) You do pay a faction penalty for Romulan Captain on a non-Romulan ship.
2) The ship that has Romulan Hijackers does not become a Romulan faction ship.

Source: Link


1) The Max +3 does not limit skill bonuses from sources other then Romulan Security Officers.
2) Having two Romulan Security Officers does not provide +4 skill (+2 from each) but rather +2 total skill.
3) Having Romulan Security Officers disabled on the ship does not reduce the skill bonus unless all Romulan Security Officer's are disabled.
4) You may disable more than one Romulan Security Officer to reroll dice in the same attack

Source: Link


1) Romulan Spy's effect can cloak ships even if they do not have the cloak action on the action bar.

Source: Link


1) If your opponent has rerolled one of your attack dice you may use the Tactical Officer's ability still but reroll the affected die only one additional time.

Source: Link


Master Strategist Token (Resource): Tactical Officer's ability requires a Target Lock Token to activate, a Master Strategist Token does not count as a target lock for this purpose.

Source: Link


1) You must have at least three defensive dice to use T'rul's ability.


ICON Borg Missile (Weapon) When fired upon by the Borg Missile you are not rolling any defense die so you may not use T'rul's ability.

Source: Link


ICON Full Assault (Weapon) Varel can only cancel the attack on her ship, the other attacks are unaffected.

Source: Link


1) If a card provides multiple attacks then Advanced Cloaking could only work on the first attack.

Source: Link


1) If used while cloaked you lose the cloak token when the shields are raised.

Source: Link

Please read the "Mines" in the general section for more information.


1) Ships moving within range that already have an auxiliary power token activate the mines before they have a chance to remove the token (through green maneuver or Chekov) and cannot forgo their action for a scan action.
2) Ships moving into range that execute a red maneuver MAY forgo their action for a scan action before they are assigned an auxiliary power token.

Source: Link

3) A ship that ends its movement in an area of overlapping trigger areas from mines only receives damage from one of them.
4) A ship that enters and then completely exits one cloaked mine's trigger area but ends its turn in a second cloaked mine's trigger area receives damage from both.
5) A ship that starts its turn in a cloaked mine's trigger area and exits that trigger area during their move suffers no damage from that cloaked mine even if ending in a different cloaked mine's trigger area, but would still suffer damage form the second cloaked mine's trigger area.
6) A ship that performs a sensor echo into a cloaked mine's trigger area will take damage from that mine. However a ship that performs a sensor echo and ends in the trigger area of a cloaked mine that they already triggered that round does not get attacked a second time.
7) A ship that performs a sensor echo from the trigger area of one cloaked mine into the trigger area of another cloaked mine will be attacked by the second cloaked mine unless ending in the overlapping trigger area.
8) A ship that starts its movement in a cloaked mine's trigger area and ends in the same cloaked mine's trigger area will be affected by the mine again.
9) The ruling about overlapping minefield trigger areas only applies to cloaked mines and has no bearing on the damage from other types of mines (i.e. antimatter mines located within the trigger area of a cloaked mine would still be triggered despite the overlap).
10) There is no restriction to the number of cloaked mines you may place in one turn.
11) A ship that ends its movement in two trigger areas that do not overlap suffer from both minefields.
12) Cloaked mines do not grant a ship the ability to perform a scan action, they simply give a bonus if scan is performed.
12 When placing cloaked mines only a portion of the minetoken must be within the placement range, not the entire token.
13) The only action that can be performed before a cloaked mine triggers is the scan action, all other actions take place afterwards.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

You may disable this card when you perform a white maneuver if there is an Auxiliary Power Token beside your ship. If you do so, you must still skip your Perform Action step. You may then remove an auxiliary power token from beside your ship. No ship may be equipped with more than 1 "Impulse Drive" Upgrade..

Original Text:

You may disable this card to perform a white maneuver if there is an Auxiliary Power Token beside your ship. If you do so, you must still skip your Perform Action step. No ship may be equipped with more than 1 "Impulse Drive" Upgrade.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

WHEN DEFENDING: After all dice have been rolled, if this ship is Cloaked, discard this card. Cancel the attack. This ship suffers 1 hit.

Original Text:

When defending while you are Cloaked, you may discard this card after all dice have been rolled to reduce the damage from a single attack to exactly 1 hit.


1) There were two printings of this card. The old RIS Apnex version and the new Romulan Faction set. The newer card has the errata text printed on it.
2) All versions of this card are assumed to be unique (per ship).

Source: Link

3) Card was changed to assign one damage rather then one hit. NOTE: This card was reprinted after this ruling and the new card shows one hit. This ruling appears to be overturned.

Source: Link and FAQ 2016

4) The damage cannot be avoided with an evade token.

Source: FAQ 2016

5) The attack is cancelled, not the attack dice.


ICON Borg Missile (Weapon) Interphase generator does not work against Borg Missile as the attack does no damage.

Source: Link ICON Sirna Kolrami (Crew) Interphase generator does not cancel dice, it cancels the attack. Sirna cannot be used with the cancelled attack.

Source: Link


1) The Muon Feeback Wave Token only impacts damages the ship during its normal movement, not during any additional movements from effects.

Source: Link


1) You may NOT choose to add an active shield to a cloaked ship.

FAQ 2016


1) If the Captain is assigned a damage card and an Admiral is on the ship then the Admiral becomes the Captain and would now be targeted by damage leftover before the ship itself would be affected.

Source: Link

2) If the crew is protected by dispersion field or another effect then after setting aside damage cards for the crew, the remaining damage still goes to the ship despite it still having crew.

Source: Link


ICON Dispersion Field (Borg): If this card is activated to protect the crew then damage is assigned to the crew, but they are protected. Any remaining damage would have to be assigned to the Captain then the Admiral, who becomes the captain, and then finally the last damage would apply to the ship. At the end the damage cards assigned to the crew are discarded and the crew survives. Dispersion Field is discarded at the end of the attack.

Source: Link

ICON Koss (crew) Koss will protect the crew then be discarded, but if forced to put a damage card next to Koss then he protects no one. A sample attack with 6 uncancelled hits:

a) Defender chooses to use Koss to protect Crew.
b) Defender applies damage card 1 to crewmember 1, protected by Koss.
c) Defender applies card 2 to crewmember 2, protected by Koss.
d) Defender applies damage card 3 to Captain. Captain is discarded, Admiral becomes Captain.
e) Defender applies damage card 4 to new Captain (former Admiral), which is discarded.
f) Defender applies damage card 5 to Koss. Koss is discarded and his text no longer protects the crew from their damage cards.
g) Crewmember 1 and 2 are both discarded.
h) Apply last damage to ship.

FAQ 2016


1) There are two versions of this card.
2) You may only choose a weapon upgrade that is allowed to be equipped to the ship normally.

Source: Link

3) You must pay the faction penalty for any card played underneath if of a different faction then the ship
4) You must meet the requirements to fire the weapon chosen including target lock requirements



1) Using the Flanking Attack upgrade counts as the squadran making an attack for the purposes of other cards.

Source: Link

2) If you perform an attack at any part of the round you may not use this card (i.e. Mirror Worf)
3) This card may not be used to assist in a special attack with mines.
4) The target ship must be within range 2 of the fighter squadron to use this card.
5) Two different squadrons cannot both use Flanking Attack for the same attack.


ICON Galor Class Phaser Banks (Squadron Upgrade): Galor Class Phaser Banks does not allow Flanking attacking to be used for a range 3 attack.

Source: Link



1) You may use the target lock to reroll dice when applying the Gor Portas' ability.

Source: Link


1) Two dials were made for two separate Jem'Hadar Battleships, one that had a 4 bank maneuver and one that does not. Either dial is legal to use for this class of ship.

Source: Link


ICON Flanking Attack (Squadron Upgrade) May be used with the Koranak's ability, but you would not get the bonus on each attack, you would get extra dice to split amongst the attacks. NOTE: The rule of 3 seems to limit Flanking Attack's extra dice to +3, there is no official ruling on this.

Source: Link


1) You may only transfer damage up to the Kraxon's current shields.

Source: Link


ICON Counter Attack (Elite Talent): If the Kraxon uses its ability to take damage then it may trigger counter attack. If it only takes part of the damage then both the Kraxon and the other ship taking damage may separately trigger their own counter attacks.

FAQ 2016


1) Gul Madred's ability uses the current skill of the target captain.
1) Captains that are disabled have a skill level of 1, so Gul Madred can discard them.

Source: Link


1) Gul Duket's free action does not need to be on the Action bar of the ship he is assigned to to use it.

Source: Link and FAQ 2016


1) Gul Madred's ability uses the current skill of the target captain.
2) Captains that are disabled have a skill level of 1, so Gul Madred can discard them.
3) Gul Madred's current skill level is used for comparison.

Source: Link


ICON Dorsal Phaser Array (Weapon - Variable SP Cost) Thot's discount does apply to this card.

Source: Link


1) You must have at least one shield to disable to activate this card.

Source: Link


ICON Tractor Beam (Independent 3 SP) Since this tractor beam would make all green manuevers white, if this ship is effected by this Upgrade while using All Power to Weapons then it will not move at all.

Source: Link


ICON Disruptor Bombardment (Weapon) Boheeka may be used multiple times, once for each battlestation token beside your ship.

Source: Link


1) If a card states to place an auxiliary power token before an effect then you cannot use the card with Duran'adar.
2) If a card states an effect and causes you to place an auxiliary power token then you can use the card and ignore the auxiliary power token.

Source: Link


1) Elim's Elite Talent stays with the ship if Elim is moved to another ship or stolen and may be used if there is an empty Elite Talent slot on the ship. NOTE: More recent ruling about Elite Talents contradict this ruling (see Elite Talents under general)
2) If a ship has the critical damage card "injured captain" then you may not use Elim's Elite Talent either. NOTE: More recent ruling about Elite Talents MIGHT contradict this ruling (see Elite Talents under general)

Source: Link


ICON Miles O'Brien (Captain) Since Miles O'Brien and Glinn Daro have the same action, they cannot both be activated by the same ship in the same round.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

MODIFY ATTACK DICE STEP OR MODIFY DEFENSE DICE STEP: Place 3 time tokens on this card. Convert 1 Battlestations into 1 Blank, 1 Evade or 1 Hit.

Original Text:

COMBAT PHASE: Place 3 time tokens on this card. Convert 1 Battlestations into 1 Blank, 1 Evade or 1 Hit.

Source: Link


1) May not be used on a ship that had no shields. A ship must have had at least one shield that was destroyed to use Seskal.

Source: Link


1) If the target friendly ship performs a red manuever, place an Auxiliary Power Token as per normal.
2) If the target friendly ship performs a green manuever, remove an Auxiliary Power Token as per normal.

Source: Link

Card Text:

ACTION: At the end of the Activation Phase, you must a Straight 1 Manuever and place an Auxiliary Power Token beside your ship. If your ship overlaps an enemy ship, destroy your ship and roll 8 attack dice to damage the enemy ship. That ship rolls defense dice against this attack. This Upgrade may only be purchased for a Jem'Hadar ship.


1) This is considered an attack for card text purposes.

Source: Link


1) While a ship has an EDT (Energy Dampening Token) it is assumed to have performed a 1 white straight maneuver for card interactions.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) Volley of Torpedoes cannot be activated by a Volley of Torpedoes.

Source: Link and Link


1) The (+6 max) refers to the maximum primary weapon value after using this card, not to the possibility of the card granting more then +1 up to +6.

Source: Link


ICON Galor Class Phaser Banks (Squadron Upgrade) Galor Class Phaser Banks allows Break Formation to be used at range 3 but the attack dice for break formation are limited to 3 total.

Source: Link


1) Flanking Attack cannot be used to assist in an attack of a ship that not within range 2 of the fighters.

Source: Link


ICON Koranak (Ship) May be used with the Koranak's ability, but you would not get the bonus on each attack, you would get extra dice to split amongst the attacks. NOTE: The rule of 3 seems to limit Flanking Attack's extra dice to +3, there is no official ruling on this.

Source: Link

ICON Galor Class Phaser Banks (Squardon Upgrade) Galor Class Phaser Banks does not allow Flanking attacking to be used for a range 3 attack.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

Your Ship's Primary Weapon can target ships at Range 1-3 (standard range combat bonuses apply) and your Primary Weapon Value is at +1 (Max 6 dice). This Upgrade may only be purchased for a Hideki Class Attack Squadron and no ship may be equipped with more than one "Galor Class Phaser Banks" Upgrade.

Original Text:

Your Ship's Primary Weapon can target ships at Range 1-3 (standard range combat bonuses apply) and your Primary Weapon Value is at +1 (Max +6). This Upgrade may only be purchased for a Hideki Class Attack Squadron and no ship may be equipped with more than one "Galor Class Phaser Banks" Upgrade.


1) When a squadron is equipped with Galor Class Phaser Banks then it cannot use more then 6 attack dice total.
2) If Galor Class Phaser Banks is disabled then attack dice may exceed 6 through bonuses.


ICON Break Formation (Squadron Upgrade) Galor Class Phaser Banks allows Break Formation to be used at range 3 but the attack dice for break formation are limited to 3 total.

Source: Link

ICONFlanking Attack (Squadron Upgrade) Galor Class Phaser Banks does not allow Flanking attacking to be used for a range 3 attack.

Source: Link


1) Photo Lock-on says to "acquire" a target lock, this means to take a free action to target lock and may not be used on cloaked ships in a way different from normal.

Source: Link



ICON Synon (Crew): Synon does not grant the Alpha Hunter's ability the option to use a 2 or 3 manuever. The Alpha Hunter may only use the forward 1 manuever to sensor echo.

Source: Link

ICON Thomas Riker (Captain): The Alpha Hunter does not get a free sensor echo after Thomas Riker's movement, only after the ship moves for the first time during the Activation phase in Step 5.

Source: Link


1) The Gress'sril's ability may only be used once per round.

Source: Link


1) When clearing a stunned helmsman (attacking but not rolling dice) the Hirogen Hunting Vessel's ability triggers.

Source: Link

Card Text:

Each time you perform an Action or use an ability on any of your tech Upgrades, place 1 Mission Token on this card. During the Roll Attack dice step, you may spend up to 2 of these tokens to gain +1 attack die for that attack for each token spent.


1) The U.S.S. Dauntless does not gain a mission token from any action, it must be an action on a tech upgrade.

Source: Link


1) A ship in the forwarding firing arc but not within range 3 does not count as a ship within range so the Soong vessel may perform its free evade.

Source: Link


1) The Captain whose ability that Arturis is copying does not need to be present in the game, but may be.
2) If played during a tournament the card must physically be present and notated on the fleet building sheet.

Source: Link


1) Rule of 3 applies to Arturis' +5 skill if assigned to Dauntless ship.

Source: Link


1) Khan matching another Captain's skill is a replacement effect, modifications take place after this.

Source: Link

<2>2) Khan can only match a Captain Skill from, an actual Captain, not an effect which gives a captain skill such as the Dreadnaught which is treated as a Captain Skill of 12.

Source: Link

Card Text:

You may use any Upgrades without paying a Faction penalty. Up to 3 of the Upgrades you purchase for your ship cost exactly 4 SP each and are placed face down beside your Ship Card. Each Upgrade remains face down until you decide to use it, and then it is turned face up for the rest of the game. The printed cost on those Upgrades cannot be greater than 6.


1) Cards which have added costs (+5 to non-Breen ships) are considered as part of the printed cost of the card.
2) If Khan is disabled, discarded or moved from the ship then remaining face down cards are left facedown unless Khan is restored.
3) Upgrades chosen have to have an open slot on the ship.

Source: Link


1) Lore may ignore restrictions such as "requiring a Vulcan Captain" or "requiring a Vulcan ship" or both.
2) Lore's ability only applies to equipping an Elite Talent, he does not benefit from card text such as "If equipped to a Bajorian ship then +2 attack dice"

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Tantalus Field (Elite Talent) Lore cannot equip the Tantalus Field except on the I.S.S. Enterprise because it is a ship restriction not a faction restriction.

Source: Link


ICON Alpha Hunter (Ship): The Alpha Hunter does not get a free sensor echo after Thomas Riker's movement, only after the ship moves for the first time during the Activation phase in Step 5.

Source: Link


1) The generic Krenim Captain may take this talent if granted an elite talent slot.


ICONICON Obrist (Captain) May not equip Causality Paradox (Elite Talent) as he not explicitly listed as a Krenim Captain.

Source: Link


1) Option 1 may be used to force them to attack one of their own ships.

Source: Link


1) If the ship affected by Lure ends up not moving then it may not activate any "after you move" effects.

Source: Link


1) This card can be used to force a ship to perform the straight 1 manuever even if that manuever is not on the ship's dial (such as Intrepid class ships).

Source: Link


ICON Kemocite (tech) Faked Messages overrides the dial and kemocite only affects a revealed dial so cannot be used on the 1 straight resulting.

Source: Link


1) Card withs non-action text abilities that are optionally triggered can only be used once per ship per round. Example: Attacks from cards are optionally and cannot used twice.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

During the Planning Phase, after all ships have chosen their maneuvers, you may discard this card to target an enemy ship that is not within Range 1-3 of your ship. If you do this, change that ship's chosen Maneuver to a green maneuver on it's dial. The target ship cannot look at or change their dial after you reset it. If the new maneuver would cause the ship to exit the play area or overlap another ship, the target ship may disregard the maneuver and not move that turn.

Original Text:

During the Planning Phase, after all ships have chosen their maneuvers, you may discard this card to target an enemy ship that is not within Range 1-3 of your ship. If you do this, change that ship's chosen Maneuver. The target ship cannot look at or change their dial after you reset it. If the new maneuver would cause the ship to exit the play area or overlap another ship, the target ship may disregard the maneuver and not move that turn.

Source: Link


1) If the ship affected by Lure ends up not moving then it may not activate any "after you move" effects.

Source: Link


ICON Kemocite (Tech) Since Lure changes the dial, Kemocite may be used after the dial has been revealed like normal.

Source: Link


1) You may steal a ship or faction restricted item but if the ship doing the stealing doesn't match then the upgrade is discarded.
2) If an upgrade is stolen that provides a bonus such as +1 to primary weapon or +1 to hull then the ship that lost the upgrade loses the primary weapon or hull bonus.
3) If an upgrade is stolen that requires a specific hull size or other requirement such as this that is not fulfilled by the stealing ship then it is discarded.
4) You may steal and ignore uniqueness as a factor (Stealing a Mr. Spock when you already have one).

Source: Link


1) A Tholian captain must have an Elite Talent slot to equip this card.

Source: Link


1) Crosis works against ships with active shields and against cloaked ships.

Source: Link


ICON Conditional Surrender (Elite Talent) cannot prevent another crew from being discarded while using Conditional Surrender because he is discarded at the same time.

Source: Link


1) If using his second action you may repair 2 hull, 2 shields or one of each.

Source: Link

Card Text:

ACTION: Target a ship at Range 1-3 (even if that ship is Cloaked or has Active Shields). Disable this card and one Upgrade on the target ship. If the Upgrade you disabled is a crew Upgrade, you may then use that Upgrade's Action (if any) as a free Action this round.


1) You may not use Odo on another player's Odo (Deep Space Nine version).
2) If you choose to use an action which requires the crew to be discarded then Odo is discarded instead to pay the cost.
3) If the action has a range restriction then use Odo's ship to determine the range.
4) Odo can be used on a friendly crew member.
5) Odo can be used on a crew member whose action requires disabling but he cannot subsequently use the action since he is already disabled.

Source: Link

Card Text:

During the Planning Phase, you may target a ship within Range 1-3 and choose 1 crew Upgrade on the target ship. If you do so, treat this card as an exact copy of the chosen Upgrade until the end of the End Phase in which you use this ability. If the chosen Upgrade's Action or ability requires it to be disabled or discarded, you must disable or discard this card to use it.


1) May copy cards that require specific captains (this check is done when the fleet is fielded at the beginning).
2) Odo allows two of the same unique card on the same ship.
3) Odo becomes an exact copy of the card copied, including faction.

Source: Link


ICON Dorsal Phaser Array (Weapon - Variable SP Cost) Sakonna's discount does not apply to this card.

Source: Link


1) Slar's ability is not an attack, you are not able to roll defense dice against it.

Source: Link


1) The Captain skill is replaced with 2, even if there is a Captain assigned to the ship.

Source: Link


ICON Hidden Explosives (Weapon) B'elanna's codes may not be used with Hidden Explosives.

Source: Link


1) This card cannot be used against damage from mines.

Source: Link


1) There are two versions of this card with the same text, but one costs 2 and the other costs 5. The cost of each card is correct.

Source: Link


1) This card activates on step 3 (execute maneuver) before step 4 (checking for power strain), meaning if a green maneuver is used to activate this card then the auxiliary power token will be removed.


ICON Pavel Chekov (Crew) Pavel Chekov (removing auxiliary tokens on a white maneuver) happens on step 3 (execute maneuver) so the auxiliary power token from Inertial Compensators will be removed.

Source: Link


ICON Kolos (Captain) does not function if jammed.

Source: Link


1) Cannot be used on a ship with full shields, you must be able to resolve the "effect" portion to activate it.

Source: Link


ICON All Power to Weapons (Elite Talent) If a ship using All Power to Weapons is affected by this tractor beam which causes all green maneuvers to be white then the affected ship will not move.

Source: Link


ICON Cube 384 (Ship) The shield bypass portion of this card does not function on Cube 384.

Source: Link


1) The attacking ship is performing the attack (not the mission token)
2) Line of fire and range is calculated from the mission token

Source: Link

3) The token is placed inside of the firing arc within range 1, but the attack from the mission token can hit targets outside of the firing arc.

Source: Link


ICONICON Nyota Uhura (Crew) has no effect on this card. (No card can have a total range past 3).

Source: Link

Boheeka (crew) may be used multiple times, once for each battlestation token beside your ship.

Source: Link


1) A space station on an energy web token that does not move continues to take damage.

Source: Link

2) You may only place one Energy Web Token even if granted another 1 straight manuever somehow.

Source: Link

3) If a card prevents damage from obstacles then it also prevents damage from Energy Web.

Source: Link


1) If an effect gives additional attack dice then those dice do not count against the maximum of 3 additional die. However during the initial attack ALL dice must roll a hit or critical to gain the additional dice from Focused Particle Beam.

Source: Link


1) A shuttlecraft that has been targeted by hidden explosives that docks causes the tokens and hidden explosives to be discarded for no effect.

Source: Link

2) The normal stages of an attack occur including rolling defense dice when the time tokens are gone.
3) Hidden explosives has normal rules for an attack with the exception that the attack dice cannot be modified (including adding to, subtracting from or converting) or rerolled.

Source: Link


ICON B'elanna's Codes (Tech) cannot be used with hidden explosives.

Source: Link


1) If you would overlap multiple ships, Ramming Attack would be against the first ship overlapped.

Source: Link


1) The minefield token is placed before ships are placed.

Source: Link

2) "After you move" effects happen after the Verteron Pulse Trap triggers, so removing of Auxiliary power tokens from a green maneuver (or after a white with Chekov) happen after you gain the token from the trap.
3) Verteron Pulse Trap affects all ships, not just enemy ones.
4) Verteron Pulse Trap triggers on any movement. Moving into range, out of range, staying within range or sensor echoing in, out or within range.

Source: Link


1) Costs are paid by the Crew Upgrade targeted (i.e. Disabling, Discarding, Removing from the Game, Time Tokens, Etc...)
2) All other costs are paid by the ship removing the BGMT unless otherwise specified by the crew upgrade targeted.
3) All timing, conditions and costs must be met before the Crew upgrade's effect can be activated
4) Range is measured from the ship removing the BMGT

Source: Link


1) You do not pay a faction penalty when equipping Captured
2) Errata so that now it is unique (per ship)

Source: Link


Borg Sphere 4270 (Ship)


1) When attacking in range 1, Borg Sphere 4270 receives the range bonus of +1 attack die to both attacks if using its ability.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Magnus Hansen (Crew) When using Cube 112's ability, each attack is a separate expendure of drone token. Magnus can only reduce the cost of one of the attacks.

Source: Link


ICONICON Chroniton Torpedoes (weapon) does not bypass the shields of Cube 384. You can still fire, but the shields function as normal.

Source: Link

Card Text:

END PHASE: Add 1 Drone Token to the Captain equipped to this ship.


1) The captain may exceed their starting borg drone tokens and their captain skill (if determined by borg drone tokens) goes up as well.
2) A non-borg captain can acquire borg drone tokens from this ability.

Source: Link

3) Drone Tokens are not subject to the rule of 3, you may gain a fourth and so on Drone Token from this ability.

Source: Link


1) A ship in the forwarding firing arc but not within range 3 does not count as a ship within range so the Soong vessel may perform its free evade.

Source: Link


1) The ship that is targeted with the upgrade is the ship that performs the action.
2) If a ship is targeted by the Borg Queen and performs the action, they may not perform that same action on their turn (a ship may not perform the same action twice in the same round)

Source: Link

2) If she replaces the Captain then place 7 drone tokens on her when she does so.

Source: FAQ 2016


1) The ship that is targeted with the upgrade is the ship that performs the action.
2) If a ship is targeted by the Borg Queen and performs the action, they may not perform that same action on their turn (a ship may not perform the same action twice in the same round)

Source: Link


1) If the Borg Queen uses her ability to move to another ship then she may keep Fleet Captain, but loses elite talents assigned to her. NOTE: This has been partially overturned by a general ruling about Elite Talents (See Elite Talents under general).

Source: FAQ 2016


1) This Tactical Drone is unique so you cannot have more than one of this particular Tactical Drone but you may have other non-unique Tactical Drones while this one is in your fleet.

Source: Link


1) The attack at the end of the activation phase is outside of the combat phase so battlestations and evade tokens cannot be spent in defending.

Source: Link


1) Crosis works against ships with active shields and against cloaked ships.

Source: Link


ICON Conditional Surrender (Elite Talent) cannot prevent another crew from being discarded while using Conditional Surrender because he is discarded at the same time.

Source: Link


ICON Cube 112 (Ship) When using Cube 112's ability, each attack is a separate expendure of drone token. Magnus can only reduce the cost of one of the attacks.

Source: Link


ICON Borg Shield Matrix (Borg): If One is used to disable shields and no damage is done to the ship then Borg Shield Matrix does not gain a token.

Source: Link


1) The defender (using this card) must roll defense dice as normal.
2) All critical damage is converted to normal hits before reflecting back on the attacker.
3) Feedback Pulse may be used on any effect defined as an attack.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Borg Missile (Weapon) When Feedback Pulse is used against Borg Missile then the defender still receives an auxiliary power token but, the effect (loss of active shields) is cancelled. Since destroying active shields for this weapon is an effect and not damage then neither ship loses shields.

Source: Link


1) When used this weapon adds a total of 1 Auxiliary Power Token, not one per uncancelled hit/critical.

Source: Link

2) An evade token may be used to add one evade result to the defense even though no dice are rolled for defense.

Source: Link and FAQ 2016

3) If attacking a cloaked ship then that target still receives the Auxiliary Power Token but this weapon has no effect on disabled shields.

Source: Link


ICON Feedback Pulse (Tech) When Feedback Pulse is used against Borg Missile then the defender still receives an auxiliary power token but, the effect (loss of active shields) is cancelled. Since destroying active shields for this weapon is an effect and not damage then neither ship loses shields.

Source: Link

ICON Interphase Generator (Tech) Interphase generator does not work against Borg Missile as the attack does no damage.

Source: Link

ICON T'rul (Crew) When fired upon by the Borg Missile you are not rolling any defense die so you may not use T'rul's ability.

Source: Link


1) Cards that dice only add to the overall pool that is split, not to each individual attack.
2) You must decide how many dice are being used against which ship before rolling.
3) Each attack is resolved separately, single use abilities and target locks can be used on individual attacks.


ICON Varel (Crew): May only cancel one attack, Varel's ability does not cancel the others.

Source: Link

Please read the "Mines" in the general section for more information.


1) Multi Kinetic Neutronic Mines can be activated more than once in a round by subsequent ships moving into range.


ICON Gul Damar (Captain - Skill 6) When Gul Damar is affected by Multi Kinetic Neutronic Mines he is only attacked once with 2 dice rather then 4. Designate two of the four dice to effect Gul Damar before rolling.

Source: Link


1) This weapon may be used on a ship with a 360 arc since it doesn't not mention arcs.

Source: Link


1) Since Defender modifies attack dice before Attacker, it is possible that a damage gets converted or rerolled into a critical.
2) Critical damage cards that have instant effects are resolved before being placed under Borg Ablative Armor (Direct Hit!, Power Disruption, Munitions Failure, Minor Explosion)
3) In the case where two Direct Hit cards are drawn then the four combined damage would fulfill Borg Ablative Hull Armor's quota and if there are any more critical damage to take then it would apply to the ship.

Source: Link

4) Does not protect from non-damage effects.
5) If you have 2 Borg Ablative Hull Armor upgrades on the same ship you must choose one to receive all damage, altough excess damage may be assigned to the other card.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Borg Shield Matrix (Borg): Cards that are put under Borg Ablative Hull Armor do not trigger Borg Shield Matrix's ability since they are neither damaging hull nor shield.

Source: Link


1) Borg Assimilation Tubules may be used against ships with active shields and ships that are cloaked.

Source: Link


1) A Borg Shield Matrix Token is placed on the ship once per attack (where you suffer damage).
2) If stolen or assimilated by another player it is redeployed with zero tokens on it to start.
3) An attack by a Species 8472 ship does not add tokens nor can the defensive dice be used.

Source: Link


ICON Borg Ablative Hull Armor (Borg): Cards that are put under Borg Ablative Hull Armor do not trigger Borg Shield Matrix's ability since they are neither damaging hull nor shield.

Source: Link

ICON One (Crew): If One is used to disable shields and no damage is done to the ship then Borg Shield Matrix does not gain a token.

Source: Link


1) Placing the Borg Tractor Beam Token does not change the manuever currently chosen, just future settings of the dial.

Source: FAQ 2016

New Errata text:

While this card is deployed to your ship none of your other Upgrades can be affected by your opponents. Discard this card immediately after it protects another Upgrade card. In addition, you may roll your full defense dice in spite of the presence of an opposing ship’s [Scan] Token.

Original Text:

While this card is deployed to your ship none of your other Upgrades can be affected by your opponents. In addition, you may roll your full defense dice in spite of the presence of an opposing ship’s [Scan] Token.


1) Dispersion Field may be used to stop a steal (then it is disabled and then discarded) and the card targeting your ship still pays its cost (discarded, disabled, etc).

Source: Link


ICON Klingon Boarding Party (Elite Talent): Koss can be used (disabled then discarded) to prevent the other upgrades from being disabled or at players discretion not be used (but still disabled with the rest). An admiral is not considered an upgrade.

Source: Link

ICON Thalaron Weapon (Weapon): If Dispersion Field card is activated to protect the crew then damage is assigned to the crew, but they are protected. Any remaining damage would have to be assigned to the Captain then the Admiral, who becomes the captain, and then finally the last damage would apply to the ship. At the end the damage cards assigned to the crew are discarded and the crew survives. Dispersion Field is discarded after the attack.

Source: Link


1) If an upgrade with a resource is discarded (like Officer cards) it does not count as an additional upgrade being discarded. Resource cards are not considered upgrades.



ICON Scavenged Parts (Borg) Both Regeneration Sequencers and Scavenged Parts may activate from the same discarded card.

Source: Link


ICONICONRegenration Sequencers (Borg) Both Regeneration Sequencers and Scavenged Parts may activate from the same discarded card.

Source: Link


1) This card can only be used between phases.

Source: Link


1) This card does not benefit from discounts from cards on Weapon or Borg Upgrades. Some Question Upgrades do when they say they "count as" some type.

Source: Link



1) Kira can grant a target lock action to ships that do not have target lock on their action bar.
2) Kira may grant this target lock to ships even if the ships lost their perform action step due to bumping or the like.

Source: Link


ICON Phlox (Crew) If Li Nalas is used to prevent Phlox from being disabled, Plox still finishes his text effect first. So in the end Li Nalas would still have a disabled token but Phlox would not.

Source: Link


1) If this tech upgrade is discarded or disabled while the ship is overlapping a planet token then it attacks and defends as though on an obstacle. Further if on subsequent turns if the ship remains on the planet token then treat it as if it had overlapped an obstacle (leave the ship in place, roll an attack die for possible damage and lose action step).

Source: Link

2) Maneuverability's ability is optional, if the player wishes to "bump" the planet and complete their move as though Maneuverability was not equipped then they may.

Source: Link



1) If in range 3 of a 360 degree firing arc then Kuvak's ability allows the two Evade Tokens. NOTE: This is an older ruling and seems to contradict later rulings which suggest that since Kuvak mentions a firing arc then his ability would always work when near ships of 360 degree weapons as they do not have firing arcs.

Source: Link

2) Kuvak was accidentally printed with a Dominion Faction symbol, he is meant to be a Vulcan Faction instead.

FAQ 2016


Officer Cards (Resource): The Officer card is not returned with the crew member if brought back by Sopek.

Source: Link


1) Soval's Captain tag has a printed value of 6 which is incorrect. Soval's correct skill is 7.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

When attacking, during the roll attack dice step, you may discard this card and up to 3 of your other upgrades and/or active shields. Gain +1 attack die for that attack for each upgrade or shield you discarded with this ability. This upgrade may only purchased for a vulcan captain assigned to a vulcan ship.

Original Text:

When attacking, during the roll attack dice step, you may discard this card and up to 3 of your other upgrades and/or active shields. Gain +1 attack die for that attack for each upgrade or shield you disabled with this ability. This upgrade may only purchased for a vulcan captain assigned to a vulcan ship.


1) V'Tosh Ka'Tur counts itself as discarded for the effect.
2) Shields discarded are considered destroyed.

Source: Link


1) Koss may be used to stop a steal (then he is disabled and then discarded) and the card targeting your ship still pays its cost (discarded, disabled, etc).

Source: Link


ICON Klingon Boarding Party (Elite Talent): Koss can be used (disabled then discarded) to prevent the other upgrades from being disabled or at players discretion not be used (but still disabled with the rest). An admiral is not considered an upgrade.

Source: Link

ICON Thalaron Weapon (weapon) Koss will protect the crew then be discarded, but if forced to put a damage card next to Koss then he protects no one. A sample attack with 6 uncancelled hits:

a) Defender chooses to use Koss to protect Crew.
b) Defender applies damage card 1 to crewmember 1, protected by Koss.
c) Defender applies card 2 to crewmember 2, protected by Koss.
d) Defender applies damage card 3 to Captain. Captain is discarded, Admiral becomes Captain.
e) Defender applies damage card 4 to new Captain (former Admiral), which is discarded.
f) Defender applies damage card 5 to Koss. Koss is discarded and his text no longer protects the crew from their damage cards.
g) Crewmember 1 and 2 are both discarded.
h) Apply last damage to ship.

FAQ 2016


1) If this card is discarded or disabled then the ship loses the +1 from primary weapon and the +1 from the maximum hull. This may cause the ship to be destroyed if the damage cards assigned now equals the new hull rating.

Source: Link



1) Bok's Marauder's ability can only be used once per round to gain 1 attack die for 1 Auxiliary Power Token being placed..

Source: Link


1) If two players activate this ship in the same round then the order goes: "First Ship (Initiative), First Ship (Without Initiative), Second Ship (Initiative) then Second Ship (Without Initiative).".

Source: Link

2) Once the ability is activated, Lurin's Bird of Prey and the other Ferengi ship may fire on any legal target first and second respectively.

Source: Link


1) You may roll defensive die in response to spending GPLT for any friendly captain, even on the same ship (while on the Admiral side).

Source: Link

2) Gint's effect may only be activated once per round.

Source: Link


1) The +3 defense die applies to each time Goss' ship defends.

Source: Link


1) You may only roll defensive die in response to spending GPLT for Gint only (while on the Captain side).

Source: Link

New Errata text:

When your ship is attacked, before any dice are rolled, discard all of your crew Upgrades and this card to cancel the attack. You must have at least 1 crew Upgrade on your ship in order to use this ability.

Original Text:

When your ship is attacked, before any dice are rolled, discard all of your crew Upgrades to cancel the attack. You must have at least 1 crew Upgrade on your ship in order to use this ability.

Source: Link


ICONICON Goval (Crew) cannot prevent another crew from being discarded while using Conditional Surrender because he is discarded at the same time.

Source: Link


1) If you use Kazago to remove your Captain, he still retains his other ability which may be used later.

Source: Link


1) "The opposing player" refers to the player that placed Par Lenor onto the attacking ship.
2) The "opposing player" who removes the GPLT is the one that decides which upgrade is disabled.
3) Par Lenor could jump again, retaining any GPLT tokens he had, adding more GPLT if the captain he was on had any, the placing player now becomes the "opposing player".
4) For the purposes of scoring he can only be scored in one of three ways
a) He is discarded via an effect and the ship he was on gets destroyed.
b) The ship he is on is destroyed by some direct damage or some other non-attack effect so his effect does not trigger
c) If Player A bought Par Lenor, both Player A and Player B have one ship left and Player B destroys Player A's ship then Pan Lenor would not be scored as Player A's or Player B's surviving fleet because Player A's fleet is entirely destroyed and Player B did not pay for Par Lenor.

Source: Link


1) Quark cannot hide a "ship-unique" card that is already in play on that ship. Exceeding restrictions does not apply to uniqueness.<

Source: Link

2) Additional costs from a card not equipped to the correct ship must be accounted for (+3 for non-federation ship) as well as the faction penalty if on a different.
3) Cards that are faction or ship specific may be placed under Quark, but if flipped face up and they are not elligble to be equipped to the ship then they are discarded.
4) Card without a fixed cost have their cost calculated as though assigned to Quark's ship for the purpose of determining whether you can place it under Quark.
5) Cards discounting the cost of cards effect the card under Quark for the purposes of determining eligibility.
6) If Quark is stolen then his face down card is too. Although Quark can be activated at "any time", you may not interrupt another player's action to activate him.
7) If an upgrade is hidden which gives additional starting shields is revealed then the current shields of the ship remain unchanged but the maximum shields do increase so the ship could repair shields up to the new maximum.

Source: Link


ICON Cargo Hold (Tech): Quark can be placed in the cargo hold and still place a hidden card up to 5 SP

Source: Link

Reinforcements Sideboard (Resource): The sideboard is considered a universal faction so no faction penalty applies to the card under Quark, however all additional costs do. Further is Quark is moved to or from the sideboard his card moves with him if unrevealed.

Source: Link

ICON Cryogenic Stasis (Tech): If Quark is placed under Cryogenic Stasis then it may not include a hidden card as it's text is not active.

Source: Link


1) The cost for both cards combined cannot exceed a cost of 4 sp.

Source: Link


ICON Quark: Quark can be placed in the cargo hold and still put a card under Quark up to 5 SP

Source: Link


1) You must choose a maneuver on your ship's dial.

Source: Link


ICON Faked Messages (Elite Talent) Faked Messages overrides the dial and kemocite only affects a revealed dial so cannot be used on the 1 straight resulting.
ICON Lure (Elite Talent) Since Lure changes the dial, Kemocite may be used after the dial has been revealed like normal.

Source: Link


1) The affected player reveals the new manuever before deciding whether to take the auxiliary power token and not move.

Source: Link


1) If you use a target lock on one of the two attacks you don't get reroll dice from both attacks, just the one attack.
2) Both attacks may be used against a single fighter, each attack could remove 1 token if successful.


Flagship (Resource): For the Flagship Independent (Klingon), if your ship is within the range 1 of the flagship and attacking at range 2 then you get the +1 attack die for both attacks.

Source: Link



1) Once Haliz becomes the captain he cannot target himself, he must target a captain with a printed captain skill.


Officer Cards (Resource) When Haliz becomes a captain, any officer card attached is discarded.

Source: Link



1) The I.S.S. Defiant's ability works on attacks outside the combat round including mines.
2) You may choose to remove a critical hit with this ability if you wish even if there are uncancelled hits.

Source: Link


1) If using a weapon that requires spending a target lock, the I.S.S. Enterprise still gets the +1 attack dice.

Source: Link


1) The Regent's Flagship ability benefits from range bonuses, therefore fires at 5 attack dice at range 1.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

FLEET ACTION: Place a scan Token beside your ship. You may then perform 1 Action from your Action Bar as a free Action. You cannot perform the scan Action as a free action this round.

Original Text:

FLEET ACTION: Place a scan Token beside your ship. You may then perform 1 Action from your Upgrade Bar as a free Action. You cannot perform the scan Action as a free action this round.

Source: Link


1) Worf cannot grant a free attack to a squadron. (This counters an older ruling, Source: Link)

Source: Link

2) A ship that is targeted by Worf to get an extra attack that already has an Auxiliary Power Token may still attack and gains another Auxiliary Power Token.

Source: Link


1) Kirk's bonus (and token) must be used in the round he is activated or forfeited.

Source: Link


ICON Glinn Daro (Crew) Since Miles O'Brien and Glinn Daro have the same action, they cannot both be activated by the same ship in the same round.

Source: Link


1) Spock's free action takes place during the perform action step of his ship.

Source: Link


ICONICON Causality Paradox (Elite Talent) Obrist may not equip Causality Paradox (Elite Talent) as he not explicitly listed as a Krenim Captain.

Source: Link

New Errata text:

ACTION: Place a scan Token beside your ship. You may then perform 1 Action from your Action Bar as a free Action. You cannot perform the scan Action as a free action this round.

Original Text:

ACTION: Place a scan Token beside your ship. You may then perform 1 Action from your Upgrade Bar as a free Action. You cannot perform the scan Action as a free action this round.

Source: Link


1) Riker can only gain a token if the normal action is one of the types listed. He gains no tokens from free actions nor tokens gained by activating upgrades/admirals/captains/ships.

Source: Link, Link


1) Worf cannot grant a free attack to a squadron. (This counters an older ruling, Source: Link)

Source: Link

2) A ship that is targeted by Worf to get an extra attack that already has an Auxiliary Power Token may still attack and gains another Auxiliary Power Token.

Source: Link


1) The generic Krenim Captain may take this talent if granted an elite talent slot.


ICONICON Obrist (Captain) May not equip Causality Paradox (Elite Talent) as he not explicitly listed as a Krenim Captain.

Source: Link


1) This card was accidentally printed with a Unique symbol when it was meant to have a Mirror Unique symbol.

Source: Link


1) This card was accidentally printed with a Unique symbol when it was meant to have a Mirror Unique symbol.

Source: Link


1) This card was accidentally printed with a Unique symbol when it was meant to have a Mirror Unique symbol.

Source: Link


1) This card was accidentally printed with a Unique symbol when it was meant to have a Mirror Unique symbol.

Source: Link


1) You may use this on cloaked vessels.
2) You may not perform free actions before or after using this card, even from other sources (i.e. Martok)

Source: Link


ICON Lore (Captain): Lore allows you to ignore faction restrictions but cannot equip Tantalus Field on a ship other than I.S.S. Enterprise because the Tantalus Field has a ship restriction.

Source: Link


1) Read this card as "outside of the forward firing arc".
2) Neither attacker nor defending may spend tokens in this attack, however cards that trigger off tokens may be used as long as they do not specify they only work during combat.
3) Range modifiers apply to this attack.
4) The +4 dice from cloaking does not apply to the attack because it is not during combat. NOTE: This ruling (#4) was before cloaking was changed to add to printed agility and no longer applies

Source: Link

5) This card was accidentally printed with a Unique symbol when it was meant to have a Mirror Unique symbol.

Source: Link


1) A secondary weapon that fires upon your ship does not count as an upgrade affecting your ship. The opposing ship is doing the targeting.

Source: Link


1) If two players both have Jennifer Sisko then they decide who disables first based on initiative. If the other Jennifer Sisko is disabled then it does not activate.
2) Cards such as Koss and Dispersion Field that prevent disabling may be used in defense and Jennifer may target them directly.


Reinforcements (Resource) Jennfier Sisko does not activate from the Reinforcement Sideboard.

Source: Link


1) If the ship Julian was on when activated is removed from the play area or destroyed then Julian's effect ends.

Source: Link

2) The ship that Julian targets may only attack Julian's ship or assist in attacking Julian's ship.

Source: FAQ 2016


ICON Disruptor Bombardment (Tech) has a maximum effect range of 3 so Uhura has no effect on this card.

Source: Link


1) Tasha's attack takes place during the combat phase so even though the destroyed ship will be removed it may use a target lock (if it has one) or battlestations as normal.

Source: Link


1) The decision to use this card must take place before defense dice are modified (rerolled or converted).
2) This card may only be used once per round per ship.

Source: Link and Link

New Errata text:

When you perform a Target Lock action, you may disable this card to acquire a 2nd target lock on a different enemy ship within range 1-3 of your ship. You may have up to 2 different enemy ships target locked at the same time even if this card is disabled.

Original Text:

When you perform a Target Lock action, you may disable this card to acquire a 2nd target lock on a different enemy ship within range 1-3 of your ship. While you have this upgrade on your ship, you may have up to 2 different enemy ships target locked at the same time.

Source: Link


ICON Cube 384 (Ship) The shield bypass portion of this card does not function on Cube 384.

Source: Link


ICON Fire At Will! (Elite Talent) If Fire at Will is used and the secondary weapon is Fire All Weapons then all three attacks will be at -1, also you may target the same ship for the primary weapon attack portion with both cards.

Source: Link


ICON Scavenged Parts (Borg) Both Regeneration Sequencers and Scavenged Parts may activate from the same discarded card.

Source: Link


New Errata text:

DECLARE TARGET STEP: If this ship is within range and the firing arc of an opposing attacking ship, target a friendly defending ship within range 1. This ship becomes the target of the attack instead of the friendly defending ship. Treat this ship as though it's at the same range as the target friendly defending ship for this attack.

Original Text:

When a friendly ship within range 1 of your ship is defending, during the Declare Target step, your ship may become the target of the attack instead of the friendly ship. Treat the attack as though your ship were at the same Range as the friendly ship.


1) Kolo can only activate once per game round.
2) Kolo is targeting the friendly ship and must be in range 1 of that friendly ship while also being in the firing arc of the attacking ship.
3) Kolo must be within range 3 of the attacking ship, also can he be obstructed by a planet.
4) Kolo cannot intercept an attack targeting a friendly attack squadron.
5) Kolo can redirect a torpedo attack that requires a target lock (even if spent).


ICON Jammed Communications (Tech) now stops Kolo.
ICON Torpedo Fusillade (Weapon), Kolo can only intercept one of the attacks.

Source: Link


1) Only one crew member may be placed under this card total.".

Source: Link

Species 8472:


ICON Kraxon (Ship) Even if the Kraxon takes some of the damage, so long as at least three damage is inflicted total among all results then the original target receives an auxiliary power token.

Source: Link


1) Bioship Alpha Pilot's ability is used after all ships (including friendly ones) have chosen their dials.
2) If more then one player has Bioship Alpha Pilot then they may activate in initiative order.

Source: FAQ 2016